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mp3seznam.cz - Žádný ze zde umístěných souborů se nenachází na tomto serveru. Proto nezodpovídáme za jejich kvalitu ani za porušování autorských práv - tuto zodpovědnost nese server na který odkazujeme.
 1. Bruce Moxon  A Service-Oriented Data Grid: Beyond Storage Virtualization  21st Large Installation System Administration Conference Invited Talks 
 2. Computerworld, Ian Lamont, Lucas Mearian  Storage This Week: Flash-based laptops reviewed; storage power savings in the data center   
 3. Computerworld, Ian Lamont, Lucas Mearian  Storage This Week: Alaskan data disaster; a home PC with 1 TB of storage   
 4. Computerworld, Ian Lamont, Lucas Mearian  Storage This Week: DNA-based data storage; Carnegie-Mellon study casts doubt on vendor disk claims   
 5. Computerworld, Ian Lamont, Lucas Mearian  Storage This Week: Storage This Week: Dumpster diving for data; The scramble to archive email   
 6. ibm.com/storage  Storage Virtualization part II   
 7. WCC Genesys North America  Service Oriented Architecture   
 8. WCC Genesys North America  Service Oriented Architecture  WCC Genesys North America 
 9. Michael Young, Senior Enterprise Architect, ESRI Professional Services Division  Geospatial Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)  ESRI Speaker Series 
 10. Cisco Systems  Impact of Infrastructure on Service Oriented Architectures  Cisco Data Center Podcast 
 11. David Dewalt  The new data center: EMC's bold reach beyond storage  VORTEX 2005 
 12. Ian Dickinson  GCSE ICT Data Input Process Output and Storage  GCSE ICT 
 13. Ian Dickinson  GCSE ICT Data Input Process Output and Storage  GCSE ICT 
 14. Billy Lau  Protecting Confidential Data on Personal Computers with Storage Capsules  Security 09 
 15. Computerworld, Ian Lamont, Lucas Mearian  Storage This Week: A paper-based storage system; Most storage managers unprepared for e-discovery rules   
 16. Computerworld, Ian Lamont, Lucas Mearian  Storage This Week: VA mini-me data breach investigated; the Harry Potter USB threat   
 17. Computerworld, Ian Lamont, Lucas Mearian  Storage This Week: The fastest storage in the world?; Fortune 1000 storage statistics   
 18. Jay Nelson & Jeff Gamet  Holographic Data Storage, Braincast, SiteGrinder, CopyscapeHandbook of Pricing and Ethical Guidelines, Tips: Illustrator, Photoshop, Acrobat  Design Tools Weekly 
 19. Michel Luca Gilbert  Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification  Hill Associates PodSnacks 
 20. Rocky Mountain Voices  How to build a FREE Backup Service: Josh Coates, CEO of Berkeley Data Systems  Rocky Mountain Voices -- Powered by PodTech 
 21. Rocky Mountain Voices  How to build a FREE Backup Service: Josh Coates, CEO of Berkeley Data Systems  Rocky Mountain Voices -- Powered by PodTech 
 22. Rocky Mountain Voices  How to build a FREE Backup Service: Josh Coates, CEO of Berkeley Data Systems  Rocky Mountain Voices -- Powered by PodTech 
 23. Computerworld, Ian Lamont, Lucas Mearian  Storage This Week: Hitachi's revamped product portfolio, the ROI of green storage   
 24. Computerworld, Ian Lamont, Lucas Mearian  Storage This Week: Taming storage sprawl, MCP chips for mobile devices   
 25. Computerworld, Ian Lamont, Lucas Mearian  Storage This Week: Feng-Shui IT and storage, Brocade's iSCSI-friendly Fibre Channel switches   
 26. Computerworld, Ian Lamont, Lucas Mearian  Storage This Week: Top 10 storage predictions for 2007, EMC acquires Verid   
 27. Computerworld, Ian Lamont, Lucas Mearian  Storage This Week: Survey results: Corporate storage use explodes - or does it?   
 28. Computerworld, Ian Lamont, Joyce Carpenter, Robert Mitchell  Storage This Week: Home/SMB storage networks   
 29. Computerworld, Ian Lamont, Lucas Mearian  Storage This Week: Suprising SMB storage survey; Low-level IT reading high-level email   
 30. Computerworld, Ian Lamont, Lucas Mearian  Storage This Week: IDv3 Title: Storage This Week: NetApp vs. Sun; the eight most dangerous consumer technologies   
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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